Publication Announcement: First Dossier, Transcr(é)ation, Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
The editors of Transcr(é)ation, a specialty journal dedicated to intermediality and the dialogues between texts and films, without hierarchical relationships, are pleased to announce the publication of their first issue: "Film Adaptation - Theoretical approaches".
A great number of the movies now being produced are “film adaptations”. However, research concerning the text/film dialogue has advanced so little that adaptation is still not, as of today, considered a full-fledged discipline and is therefore relegated to the margins of cinema studies. Scholars attempting to shed light on its specificities and important patterns, and to develop theories on what could well appear to be a rich discipline, might find themselves caught between both poles (hypo and hyper)—cinema and literary studies.
This dossier is comprised of several articles offering original analysis about adaptations and dialogues between text/film. Moreover, two interviews have been conducted with personalities who have been involved with adaptation, either in their practice or in theory.
You can read the full issue here, or you can head here to find out more about Transcr(é)ation, including information about how to submit manuscripts for review.