Adaptation is the leading international, peer-reviewed journal of adaptation studies. The journal actively contributes to the development and visibility of adaptation studies as a field of academic enquiry and seeks to advance methodological approaches to the process. It invites a range of interdisciplinary perspectives including (but not limited to) Film and Screen Studies, Literary Criticism, Visual and Performing Arts, and New Media and Transmedia Storytelling. Topics range from familiar examples of adaptation such as novel and stage to screen adaptations to less recognised forms like remakes, fan fiction, and themed experiences. The journal encourages research that provides global perspectives on adaptation through diverse examples.
Adaptation is published online three times each year, and features peer-reviewed articles, alongside reviews of adaptation studies books and conferences. The journal also includes reviews of relevant films, TV shows, as well as wider forms of adaptation such as theatre, videogames, and merchandise. A prize is awarded annually for the best published article by an Early Career Researcher (ECR). Articles are also made available early via Advance Access.
For further information please consult the Oxford Journals site.
The new journal, Adaptation, and the new Association of Adaptation Studies, is a most welcome development in an area that has been for so long under-represented in academic circles. As a practitioner, I find it rather thrilling to be the object of scholarly investigation!
- Andrew Davies - Screenwriter and novelist.
The Adaptation ECR Prize
From 2021, the Adaptation ECR Prize will be awarded retrospectively to the best article published by an early career researcher (defined as anyone who is currently registered for, or has completed within ten years of the closing date, a postgraduate degree (either MA or PhD) on any subject within adaptation studies) in each yearly volume of the journal. The winner’s prize will consist of a year’s online subscription to Adaptation and a two year position on the Adaptation editorial board.
The ECR Prize was launched in 2011 to encourage the best new scholarship in the field. While the journal publishes many articles which focus on the relationship between literature and film, the Editors are particularly keen to publish work which challenges the primacy of that relationship: this might include essays on computer games, opera, popular music, animation, genre fiction or work with a wider theoretical sweep. The competition aims to publish research by new researchers which contributes to the expansion of the field and which will help launch future careers in adaptation studies research.
ACCESSING Adaptation with your AAS Membership
You can choose an Association of Adaptation Studies (AAS) membership plan that includes a digital subscription to Adaptation. You can activate your digital journal subscription through the Oxford Academic Journals website. If you have not received a subscriber number, you can contact Oxford’s journal customer service to request one.