Event: “Locating the Child in Adaptation Studies”

"Locating the Child in Adaptation Studies"

Thursday, May 5 at 11:00-12:30 EST / 16:00-17:30 BST 

Children’s media culture has been the testing ground of many of the adaptation strategies that have spread throughout our mediascapes today, and yet the role that children’s media content and its adaptation plays in shaping understandings of adaptation as process and product remain largely unexamined. Join us on Thursday, May 5 for a roundtable discussion of the relationship between adaptation and childhood. Panelists will talk briefly about how they engage children's literature, media and culture in their own research before engaging in a moderated discussion followed by an audience Q&A.


  • Chair: Rebecca Rowe (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)
  • Panelists: Kamilla Elliott (Lancaster University); Meeghan Meeusen (Western Michigan University); Pete Kunze (Tulane University); Madeleine Hunter (University of Cambridge); Kyle Meikle (University of Baltimore)
No registration required; click the link to join: https://ubalt.zoom.us/j/97648206423
For more information, please see the event flyer.