The Politics of Adaptation: Media Convergence and Ideology Edited by Dan Hassler-Forest and Pascal Nicklas In the 21st century, the parallel movements of media convergence and globalization...
The Comic Book Film Adaptation In the summer of 2000 X-Men surpassed all box office expectations and ushered in an era of unprecedented production...
Call for Proposals: Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture ABOUT THE SERIES This new series addresses how adaptation functions as a principal mode of text production in visual...
Adaptation, Authorship, and Contemporary Women Filmmakers In Adaptation, Authorship, and Contemporary Women Filmmakers (Palgrave Macmillan), Shelley Cobb explores film adaptations directed by women (often working with women...
Teaching Adaptations Palgrave Macmillan will publish Teaching Adaptations, edited by Deborah Cartmell and Imelda Whelehan, on 19 November as part of...