AAS Annual General Meeting Agenda for 24 June 2022
Virtual meeting in association with the AAS Conference hosted by School of Arts and Humanities - Universidade de Lisboa
Zoom information:
- Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/88320509317?pwd=V0d0YmF6MWJ5WG84NFRwcTkzaXNpdz09
- Meeting ID: 883 2050 9317
- Password: 785769
- To approve the minutes of the 2021 AGM (Kyle Meikle, Secretary)
- Chairs’ reportAAS in 2021-22 (Kamilla Elliott and Julie Grossman)Membership (Jim Fleury)
- Treasurer’s report (Anna Blackwell)
- Results of the AAS Trustee election (Kyle Meikle)
- Welcome to incoming AAS Trustees (Kamilla Elliott and Julie Grossman)
- Thanks to outgoing AAS Trustees and to Jim Fleury (Eckart Voigts)
- Congratulations to student and early career winners of AAS travel bursaries (JeremyStrong)
- Report on graduate pre-conference workshop AAS Lisbon 2022 (MonikaPietrzak-Franger)
- Links between AAS, LFA, MLA, NEMLA, SAMLA (Julie Grossman and TomLeitch)
- Future AAS conferences (Kamilla Elliott)University of Birmingham 7-9 June 2023Request for future conference venues and online conferences
- Any other business
- Date of Next Meeting: 9 June 2023, University of Birmingham