AAS Annual General Meeting Agenda for 24 June 2022

AAS Annual General Meeting Agenda for 24 June 2022

Virtual meeting in association with the AAS Conference hosted by School of Arts and Humanities - Universidade de Lisboa

Zoom information:


  1. To approve the minutes of the 2021 AGM (Kyle Meikle, Secretary)
  2. Chairs’ reportAAS in 2021-22 (Kamilla Elliott and Julie Grossman)Membership (Jim Fleury)
  3. Treasurer’s report (Anna Blackwell)
  4. Results of the AAS Trustee election (Kyle Meikle)
  5. Welcome to incoming AAS Trustees (Kamilla Elliott and Julie Grossman)
  6. Thanks to outgoing AAS Trustees and to Jim Fleury (Eckart Voigts)
  7. Congratulations to student and early career winners of AAS travel bursaries (JeremyStrong)
  8. Report on graduate pre-conference workshop AAS Lisbon 2022 (MonikaPietrzak-Franger)
  9. Links between AAS, LFA, MLA, NEMLA, SAMLA (Julie Grossman and TomLeitch)
  10. Future AAS conferences (Kamilla Elliott)University of Birmingham 7-9 June 2023Request for future conference venues and online conferences
  11. Any other business
  12. Date of Next Meeting: 9 June 2023, University of Birmingham