Event: Embodying Adaptation: Character and the Body Book Launch (31 August, 2022) A virtual launch to mark the publication of Christina Wilkins' Embodying Adaptation: Character and the Body 31 August 2022, 16:00...
Event: Remixing the Classics Conference (9 August, 2022) Remixing the Classics A free, one-day, online conference exploring digital adaptations of classic literature, drama, and more, sponsored by...
Event: To Be Continued, 2 (22-23 September 2022) To be Continued, 2: Defining, Producing, Performing, Consuming, and Theorizing Serials and Adaptations A Free 2- Day Online Symposium...
Publication Announcement: Special Issue of Interfaces: “Borders in/of Adaptation” Publication Announcement: Special Issue of Interfaces: "Borders in/of Adaptation" Following the cancellation of the AAS 2020 annual conference in...